45th Regiment
Hello, new guest! If your interested on joining ether the clan it's self, or the Volunteer program. Go ahead!
45th Regiment
Hello, new guest! If your interested on joining ether the clan it's self, or the Volunteer program. Go ahead!
45th Regiment
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45th Regiment

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Quality Posting!
45th GuideLines EmptySat Aug 14, 2010 7:07 pm by Ferddy
To make a good post FOR A START OF A THREAD, it must have atleast more then one sentence.

It may sound like too much. But at least have some originality and be creative.

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45th GuideLines
45th GuideLines EmptySat Aug 14, 2010 3:34 pm by Ferddy
To the new members, I want to say. Welcome to the 45th! A brand new clan started by Ferddy. It's a militaristic clan with aims at joy and fun. That's all what this clan is about.

If you're a guest, here's what were looking for.
Must have Xfire.
Must have decent, average, or above average KDR to get in.
We'll accept any age.
Vent, Teamspeak is optional.
Wants to have fun and enjoy them selfs

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 45th GuideLines

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Posts : 121
Join date : 2010-08-14

45th GuideLines Empty
PostSubject: 45th GuideLines   45th GuideLines EmptySat Aug 14, 2010 3:34 pm

To the new members, I want to say. Welcome to the 45th! A brand new clan started by Ferddy. It's a militaristic clan with aims at joy and fun. That's all what this clan is about.

If you're a guest, here's what were looking for.
Must have Xfire.
Must have decent, average, or above average KDR to get in.
We'll accept any age.
Vent, Teamspeak is optional.
Wants to have fun and enjoy them selfs

Must play the following games.
Combat Arms
Counter-Strike 2D
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Battlefield Heroes

Rules are

Personal should respond to daily rollcall. Will not tolerate absence unless within reason. Squad Personal should respond to Rollcalls from there Squad Leader and CoC.CoC personal should report Squad Rollcalls to the Admin. CoC personal should also report any inactive Members if they don't respond. Rollcalls will be in PMs, and Xfire.

Respect is something earned. You should show your self that you're a proud member of the 45th. All members should have this pic in there sig to show alliance

To qualify for Leadership status. Meaning getting to lead a Squad. It also depends on how Reliable you are, and how much you are of a close friend. Also how cooperative you are to CoC and Admin.

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